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Brief Biography

My name is Beng Leong. I studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Malaya. After graduation, I briefly worked as a sales engineer, specializing in the plastics industry. Then, I moved to Nestlé and worked as an industrial engineer for around 2.5 years before moving to the engineering department in the breakfast cereals plant as a plant engineer for more than 3 years. In this role, I manage a team of engineers and technicians to execute timely preventive maintenance, and implement improvement projects under CAPEX.

Are there any training or workshops available to assist the transition from the fresh graduate to work-life?

Toh Beng Leong 1
00:00 / 02:49

Is there any potential job or position available for the chemical engineer in your company?

Toh Beng Leong 2
00:00 / 02:13

In your opinion, would the engineers be replaced by AI in the manufacturing and processing industry?

Toh Beng Leong 3
00:00 / 01:32

Is further study important to undergraduate engineering students for their future careers?

Toh Beng Leong 4
00:00 / 00:56

Brief Biography

My name is Beng Leong. I studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Malaya. After graduation, I briefly worked as a sales engineer, specializing in the plastics industry. Then, I moved to Nestlé and worked as an industrial engineer for around 2.5 years before moving to the engineering department in the breakfast cereals plant as a plant engineer for more than 3 years. In this role, I manage a team of engineers and technicians to execute timely preventive maintenance, and implement improvement projects under CAPEX.

Learn More

Mr. Toh Beng Leong



Are there any training or workshops available to assist the transition from the fresh graduate to work-life?


Toh Beng Leong 1
00:00 / 02:49



Is there any potential job or position available for the chemical engineer in your company?


Toh Beng Leong 2
00:00 / 02:13



In your opinion, would the engineers be replaced by AI in the manufacturing and processing industry?


Toh Beng Leong 3
00:00 / 01:32



This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary that will help visitors understand your work.


Toh Beng Leong 4
00:00 / 00:56
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